Identify and define the key words as a starting point for your own knowledge and understanding of

Identify and define the key words as a starting point for your own knowledge and understanding of
the sentence to be analysed. The key words that you would consider are highlighted in yellow
Realising professionalism in Nursing Practice/ How can all of the professional practice anomalies be noted in a few paragraphs.
NSB018 Introduction to the Profession of Nursing.
Assessment Item 3. Semester 1 2016
Professional behaviours and attitudes of the registered nurse towards patients and their families are central
to the development of an effective therapeutic nurse patient relationship. Professional boundary violations
of ‘under and over’ involvement delineate best practice from poor practice, and often transmit to a lack of
respect and empathy for the patient’s health care needs. Such unprofessional practice will lead to patient’s
feeling unsafe physiologically, psychologically and culturally. Communicating professionally, using an
emotionally intelligent and caring approach is fundamental for patients and their families to feel safe in the
health care environment. As a registered nurse, it will be your responsibility to develop and maintain patient
safety with professional attitudes and behaviours at all times.
HOTSPOT HELP. You will see images of HOTSPOT flames on this TASK sheet. Each HOTSPOT area is described
further at the end of this TASK sheet to assist you.
Introduction (rec. 100 – 150 words)
1. By using the knowledge that you have gained this semester in relation to professional practice in
nursing and while referring to relevant literature analyse the video “Crossing professional boundaries
as a registered nurse”. (300 words) For an example of analysis see the Hotspot below…
2. From your analysis, identify and justify (with literary support) 10 professional practice anomalies
that did or had the potential to impact on patient safety. (300 words)
3. Using a wide range of quality literature, and referring to the video critically discuss how these
identified anomalies may impact negatively on both the patient’s care and the nurse’s professional
image. (300 words)
4. From the literature, argue professional practice changes that would be necessary in ‘Nickie’s’
attitude and behaviour that would enable actual or potential patient safety was ensured (300 words)
Conclusion (rec. 100 – 150 words)
Due Date: Week 12: Sunday, 29th May 2016. 11pm
Length: 1,500 words (+ 150 words)
Weighting: 50% of your final grade.
Unit Learning Objectives: 1, 2 and 3.
NSB018 Introduction to the Profession of Nursing.
Assessment Item 3. Semester 1 2016
Some points to consider when writing this paper:
? Review the TASK carefully. Highlight and define key words and directive terms.
See HOTSPOTS below where directive terms have been defined and examples given.
? Review the marking criteria on your CRA carefully. Your paper will be graded from the criteria outlined in
the CRA, therefore it is essential that you write to meet the criteria.
? You will need a minimum of 15-20 quality sources to allow you to write this paper. These should be
highest available quality. (Australian as a priority, then expand to international as needed)
? A complete reference list is required at the end of the assignment. This must only include those literary
sources referred to in the body or appendix of your paper. For further information on referencing at QUT,
refer to QUT Cite/Write via Referencing style is an important academic
skill and should adhere exactly to Cite Write – QUT APA.
? Use a separate page for the reference list. Remember QUT APA = all sources in alphabetical order
(no numbering).
? Word count does not include intext referencing, the reference list or an appendix (if you choose to use
? Your paper must include an introduction and a conclusion. (approx. 150 words each) The
introduction must relate to the task and the intent of the paper. The conclusion however must
draw key points raised in the paper related back to the task. This will show your well-reasoned
understanding of professional practice in nursing.
? Direct quotes should make up <10% of your total word count.
? This paper requires academic styled, paragraphed discipline specific writing in 3rd person.
? Bullet points, lists and numbering are not appropriate format for this essay.
? The title page should include your name, student number, the unit code, the assessment item
number and word count.
? Each page of your assignment should have a ‘footer’ with your student name, student number and
page number.
? Double line spacing; Font size: 12; Font type: Arial or Times New Roman.
NSB018 Introduction to the Profession of Nursing.
Assessment Item 3. Semester 1 2016
Analysis is the detailed examination of an item or situation where each key factor noted is examined
against a benchmark or parameter. As a registered nurse, you will collect data about your patient’s
health, and will then need to analyse the data to determine priorities of care, therefore it is essential that
you learn this skill early and quickly.
Here is an example to help you learn the fundamental skills of analysis.
Analysis of a sentence.
Here is a sentence to analyse. “It is without doubt that nurses are angels”.
1. Identify and define the key words as a starting point for your own knowledge and understanding of
the sentence to be analysed. The key words that you would consider are highlighted in yellow.
“It is without doubt that nurses are angels”.
2. Address each key word and intention of the writer using the literature to benchmark your writing.
For example:
A. It is indicates that the author believes their sentence to relate to what is happening now.
B. Without doubt means that it has been irrefutably demonstrated, therefore the author needs to show
exactly where it has been demonstrated to give this statement any weight.
C. The concept of nurses being angels harks back to the time of veils and poorly lit ward areas. For the
author to consider this to be contemporary thinking they will need evidence to support their
Your analysis could read like this …
The sentence for analysis presents a contemporary viewpoint, however the reference to nurses as angels is
one that is historical by nature and intention. Angels first originated during early biblical times where it was
believed that angels were the messengers of the Christian God bringing words of wisdom and kindness
(Agamben, 2011). The concept of nurses being angels is thought to be due to nurses historically wearing
white clothing, wearing veils (wings) and in the poorly lit ward areas appeared to the unwell patient as a
vision of an angel appearing at their side (Fee, Garofalo & Chang, 2010). The claims made that the
statement is both contemporary and without doubt, must be questioned until legitimate contemporary
evidence can be provided (Courtney, 2005).
NSB018 Introduction to the Profession of Nursing.
Assessment Item 3. Semester 1 2016
B. ANALYSIS OF THE VIDEO for this piece of assessment.
Be sure to view the video a number of times … at least 3 times.
Also, read the transcript and highlight the key words and intentions of the words.
N.B. Remember as you are analysing a video, you need to be aware of non-verbal behaviours that are
demonstrated as well as the verbal behaviours.
C. DIRECTIVE TERMS AND THEIR MEANINGS for this piece of assessment. (Cite Write, 2011).
Identify – state and describe the anomalies using the literature to provide the basis for the
(For Example: In the video, ‘Crossing Professional /boundaries as a registered nurse’ www.
Youtube….. , it was noted that Nurse Nicky greeted the Patient inappropriately by stating
“Hi ya kiddo”. Offhand acknowledgements such as this do not meet the ethical guidelines
of showing respect to the patient (Palmer,2013) and do not enable a relationship of trust
and understanding to become established (Black, 2014).
Justify – is to explain why. Therefore show why the points you have identified impacts on patient
safety. Use the literature to support your statements.
(For Example: Inappropriate introductions have been shown to impact on patient
perceptions of safety where patients are unsure of who the person is in the room with
them and what authority they have to be there (Day, 2006)).
Critically discuss – here you must present the key factors from a number of perspectives (patient,
nurse, family, Doctor) and explain how and why this occurs and how and why this may be
problematic. Always use the literature to support your points of discussion.
(Example: Patients who are aware of their carer’s role, feel secure in knowing what care is
being provided by whom (Levett-Jones, Oates & MacDonald-Wicks, 2014). Patients’ can
also share this information with family and friends and refer the Doctor to the correct
person for discussion where necessary (Kittrell & Chitty, 2007).
Argue – argue is similar to justify, however your argument must go beyond just explaining why. Here
you must take a well-reasoned perspective that is acceptable and convincing to the reader.
(Example: Patient’s feel safe knowing who their carer’s are and what their roles and
responsibilities are towards them as a patient have been shown to sleep better, feel
confident in the care they are receiving, put less energy in expressing concerns with family
and friends and feel that the care they are receiving is patient centred (Black, 2014).
Therefore initiating an open relationship with introductions of roles and responsibilities is
central to patients’ perspectives of safety and wellbeing (Levett-Jones & Hoffman, 2013).
NSB018 Introduction to the Profession of Nursing.
Assessment Item 3. Semester 1 2016
A paragraph is like a mini assignment.
It consists of an:
Introductory sentence,
2 or 3 sentences that makeup the body of the paper and
1 final conclusive sentence. (It is the conclusive sentences that are drawn together in the conclusion
paragraph to demonstrate what you have learnt.)
Here is an example of a paragraph written in 3rd person.
A comprehensive knowledge of a patient’s medical condition and the physical and psychological
implications of the condition is essential for the nurse to provide adequate patient centred care.
Patient knowledge underpins accurate patient assessment, care planning and the implementation of
skills (Jones, 2013). Also, the evaluation of pharmacological interventions and other cares cannot be
effectively considered without a sound knowledge base in which to base their judgements
(Brotto,2013). It is therefore essential that patient centred care is underpinned by a sound
knowledge base which is specific to the patient’s medical condition.
Reference list.
Black, B. (2014). Professional Nursing. Concepts & Challenges. (7th Ed). North Carolina: USA, Elsevier.
Brotto, V. (2013). Ch. 31. Medication therapy (p. 815-887) In Potter and Perry’s Fundamentals of Nursing. (4th Ed). J.
Crisp; C. Taylor, C. Douglas & G. Rebeiro. Sydney: Moby Elsevier.
Cite Write. (2011). Your introductory guide to citing, referencing and academic writing at QUT. Accessed from:
Courtney, M. (2005). Evidence for Nursing Practice. Australia, Elsevier.
Day, J. (2006). Interprofessional working. U.K., Nelson Thornes.
Fee, E., Garofalo, M., & Chang, B. (2010). Florence Nightingale and the Crimean war. American Journal of Public
Health. 100(9): 1591.
Giorgio Agamben and Bylorenzo Chiesa (2011) ANGELS, Angelaki, 16:3, 117-123 To link to this article:
Jones, B. (2013). Ch. 6. Nursing Assessment and diagnosis (p.85-98) and Ch 7. Planning, implementing and evaluating
nursing care. (P. 100 – 118). In Potter and Perry’s Fundamentals of Nursing. (4th Ed). J. Crisp; C. Taylor, C.
Douglas & G. Rebeiro. Sydney: Moby Elsevier.
Kittrell Chitty, K. (2007). Ch.9. Communication and Collaboration in Nursing. p. 211- 236. In Professional Nursing.
Concepts and Challenges. (5th Ed.) by Kittrell Chitty, K. and Perry Black, B. (2007). U.S.A.,Saunders Elsevier.
Levett-Jones, T. and Hoffman, K. (2013). Ch 1. Clinical reasoning: What it is and why it matters. In Clinical Reasoning.
Learning to think like a nurse. T. Levett-Jones (Ed). Austr: Pearson.
Palmer, L. (2013). Ch 14. Ethical and legal dimensions of clinical reasoning: Caring for a person who is refusing
treatment. In Clinical Reasoning. Learning to think like a nurse. T. Levett-Jones (Ed). Austr: Pearson.
NSB018 Introduction to the Profession of Nursing.
Assessment Item 3. Semester 1 2016
Initial Brainstorming
NSB018 Assessment 3: Drop in classes. Follow the work sheet. Be sure that you can complete every dotted line)
If you can’t you need to go back to the books so that you understand the key terms for this piece of assessment.
1. Preparation.
What is the focus of this part of the task? ……………Professional Nursing Practice ………………………
Define what this is ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
What is the directive term? …………………………………………………………………………………………………
What does this mean? …………………………………………………………………………………………………………
Identify all elements …(there will be a lot of them) ……………………………………………………………………………
Organise the elements under common themes …………………………………………………………………….
Categorise the elements ……………………………………………………………………………………………………….
Define the focus.
Introduce the categories. Your choice. Show the anomalies that relate to professional practice in nursing under the category. Give examples only. You do not need to list or show all of the anomalies. You just need to give some relevant and specific examples to the category.
1. Define category
2. Define Category
2. Preparation
What is the focus of this part of the task? …………Patient Safety …………………………………………………….
Define what this is ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
What is the directive term? …………………………………………………………………………………………………
What does this mean? …………………………………………………………………………………………………………
Define the focus.
Choose and identify 2 areas of practice. Your choice as to which.
10 Anomalies
Justify (give a reason)
3. Preparation
What is the focus of this part of the task? ………patient care and nurses professional image ………………………….
Define these terms ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
What is the directive term? …………………………………………………………………………………………………
What does this mean? …………………………………………………………………………………………………………
Define the focus
Identify the 2 areas.
10 Anomalies
Critical Discussion. (How & Why)
Impact negatively.
1. Patient Care
2. Nurses Professional Image
4. Preparation
What is the focus of this part of the task? …………………Professional practice attitude and behaviours …………….
Define what this is ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
What is the directive term? ………………………………………………..…………………………………………………………………………
What does this mean? ………………………………………………………………………….………………………………………………………
Define Professional practice
Patient Safety areas of practice from No. 2. Argue: give sound and believable reasoning. Take a stance.
Behaviour Change
Attitude Change
Conclusion. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
Now that the preparation and planning is done, you can start to write your paragraphs.
• Q 1.
Task 1. How can all of the professional practice anomalies be noted in a few paragraphs.
Remember when you analyse, you need to organise and categorise.
Say you have identified 20 professional practice anomalies.
Now organise them into categories. For example
1. Ineffective communication
– verbal: …….
– non-verbal: ……..
2. Crossing professional boundaries
– over involvement: …….
– under involvement: ……..
3. Ineffective nursing care …. etc.
So your analysis is under these headings, but you need to define and describe each category and give examples from the video and support from the literature to validate why you have identified these anomalies as unprofessional.
The word count does not add up.
The word count again is a suggestion, and there are approximately 300 words remaining to allow for the introduction and the conclusion.
Addressing the Task section:
Task 2. From your analysis, identify and justify (with literary support) 10 professional practice anomalies that did or had the potential to impact on patient safety.
Remember that the focus on the second part is patient safety.
So you need to define patient safety first. What is it? What does it look like? Then from a patient safety perspective, identify and justify how these 10 points impact on patient safety.
Remember patient safety should be considered from a number of perspectives.
for Example physiological, psychological, sociological, cultural, spiritual etc. (choose 2 or 3 only). Your definition and your 10 points will determine this….
So consider the 10 points under the heading of patient safety and the chosen sub-headings.
Task 3. Using a wide range of quality literature, and referring to the video critically discuss how these identified anomalies may impact negatively on both the patient’s care and the nurse’s professional image. (300 words)
Critically discuss = explain how and why.
You can work with this under the headings of patient care and professional image or synthesise the two and blend. As long as it is very clear as to which aspect you are addressing and support your critical discussion from the literature.
Task 4. From the literature, argue professional practice changes that would be necessary in ‘Nickie’s’ attitude and behaviour that would enable actual or potential patient safety was ensured (300 words)
Professional Practice changes.
Attitude and behaviour depicting professional practice are key words here. Be sure to define professional practice, from a behaviour and attitude perspective, and then from there argue the changes that are necessary to address the patient safety issues identified in no. 2. These changes can be drawn from policy documents, text books, recommendations etc. Paragraph form.
Task 4. Where do the changes come from?
The changes are needed to enable patient safety. You would have defined patient safety in No.2, and justified how the 10 professional practice anomalies impacted on patient safety. Now you need to turn this around and show what needs to be changed to ensure that patients feel and are safe. You are going to argue why these changes are needed from the literature and will be based on patient care which may be long or short term outcomes. To argue a point needs strong reasoning, so could be from Codes of Conduct, Clinical Guidelines, Text books, journal articles. Look for best evidence sources.
Question ;7.
Here is the worksheet for the Drop in sessions that were held on Tuesday and Thursday of this week. Most emails I am getting are due to a lack of preparation (understanding of the key terms) and planning. If you can complete this worksheet then you will be well on your way to the task.
NSB018 Assessment 3 drop in classes for FAQ’s.docx
Question 8.
How do I reference the video?
Reference the video as cite write requires of a video on a website. ie. youtube

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